Monday, December 30, 2019

Side Story Editing Time!

Yes, that's right Book 1 is finished and needs to be submitted for editing. I am excited and ready to do this. I am hoping that I get to see the work bloom. I am still wondering if it will work out, or I am just being a weird do. I am still hoping I don't need to do a lot!

I am also talking to a friend who published through Amazon, should I do it?

Break time is over

Yeah, the holidays are still in full swing and we have until New Years Eve, but doesn't matter to me, I have to work on this book. I have put this off too long and I need to finish up what I started. The rest of the Dragon's Library Chapters are almost done, I just need to print up the 60 odd pages, and make sure I edit the ever living hell out of and start again.

I am going to publish if it kills me in 2020. I need to finish what I started back in 2013. There is just so much I have to do and so much I need to fix.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Took a break from editing

Yeah, I'm taking a small break from editing until the holidays are over, it isn't that bad, but its more that I need to take my mind off a few things and people. The truth is that I find something out and I keep this information to myself for the sake of others.

Though I am sort of annoyed that even though I am keeping my distance from the groups I am involved in, I'm to the point that I don't say much on the matter, but I am voicing the concern.

I have heard about what is going on in my home state and I don't really like it much in the fandoms. I am sort of the furry in the background who wants to keep her head down for the sake of her own writing and make sure that people know that.

I have never been also seeing nonexistant drama in The Magicians fandom as of late as being something I love dearly. When you see drama in other fandoms and you start looking something like The Magicians fans and you realize, "What the hell is going on here? How is it they have no drama at all and yet, I enter the Fur Fandom it looks like a war zone?" I am kind of surprised and almost shocked at the very notion of the idea that an entire fandom is completely drama free!

Friday, December 13, 2019

My Artwork problem

The issue with trying to get work done on the book is when people try to stress me out over things I have no idea what I need. I am tired half the time of trying to figure out the artwork issues.

I am trying to figure out the fact some people believe I am lazy for not going digital, there are some art pieces that I would rather do on a pad of paper.

I was thinking that maybe some of my prints might makes some extra cash and could be used to invite hype for when the book is almost finished. I am also thinking it might be cool to try and make artwork for my own enjoyment too.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Two entries in one day

What can I say, I got my work cut out for me, so anyway, news for all who want to hear it, I have my DeviantArt account back and will be filtering in some of the book art through that site again. I am going to also be linking it to the FB page if followers want to go through there.

I am going to be working on some new artwork for the Planor and also be setting up the rest of the work that will be set up later. I am also going to be talking to a few other friends of mine in the next few weeks to see if we can build up a Kickstarter for getting the book published and also put in a printed version of the artbook.

Yes, that's right The Dragon's Library will have an artbook and a few other cute things that might make it unique for fans.

An annoying factor of editing.

I don't accept the fact that people are plain bad at times, though I have sat through some pretty sour moments with persons of question. I don't suppose that is something that should show in my writing when I think about doing my work. The Dragon's Library has been a huge focus, but I have not talked about my other pet project.

I have not had time to flesh out story writing and I did write a few chapters I was thinking of releasing onto Watpad in the coming months, then was given the response of "Don't do that," my fiance said that story is just too good. I have considered writing a few things onto site, but I have not spoken to many people about my writing for awhile.

I have also kept much of my thoughts to myself over the months regarding the issues I was having collecting information on cast of characters.

I have also remained apolitical on most cases and will answer that I am not going to give answers most people won't like. I dislike Trump, I don't have much use for his ideas, much less his views of writing. I am just not interested in discussing it much further that I dislike his use of ghost writers. I am also more interested in keeping up with my own literary enjoyment. With that said, please tear this apart as you see fit, but that's just my views. I have no interest in political ideology and prefer to remain out of it as much as I can.

Now that is out of the way, I am planning through my ideas for 2020, I will be finishing the editing for the first book of the Dragon's Library and then starting on the second one. I am also going to be going back and revising, as in printing it up and then revising and preparing to get it fully published, I will not be discussing much on the matter.

As for the artwork that will be displayed in the book, I have yet to decide on the matter, though I will be offering for part of the work on pateron that will be giving away stickers and a chance for an autographed copy for the first editions. I am not going to offer much higher unless I get the novella done in time. The first edition will not have the novella, but it will have the seals of the Celestial Creatures.

As for any other progress that I am going to be posting about later on, if you follow my Tumblr: dragondreselia you will find the pictures and stories I am working on. I am going to be posting more about the series and also about what I'm doing with the rest of the series.

I will be working on getting twitter: @VampireRip to be a bit more about the work I am doing with the book as well. I am posting this that any other weird moments for anyone who is interested.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Its a cold...cold day and....time to discuss...

All right, the heat issue was restored due to fiance finding out how much energy that is a draw from the heater, which isn't that much. I am still annoyed by this information now, but I decided to discuss something that is in my book and I am hoping fellow fans actually get this when it comes out.

I am using the fact there are mages in my world that are intersexed, which means they're both male and female at the same time. I haven't discussed this entirely, until I was asked by someone in a writing group about my views of LGBTQ community.

All right, I am going to come clean, I am part of the LGBTQ, I am Asexual, I have been this way since I was a kid and neither gender held much appeal to me. I preferred my reading books and enjoying a conversation. Does this affect my writing? Actually partially as I have decided to discuss this now.

For one, yes, I have intersexed cast members, this person has not been introduced yet and their name will not be coming up until later. The truth is, I am not going to elude a pronoun until I am ready to bring this up. For many reasons, I am not doing this because I am a fan of She-Rah or anything, there has been plans to bring an intersexed character in my writing for awhile. I have just realized I need a time and place about when this character will be brought in.

This is going to be a character that will be vital to the story and I will not cut corners about this character yet and I will not release a profile picture onto my FB page until I am ready. I am hoping to have their name announced in time and also submit them for something special at a local convention, yeah, I'm hoping to entire the character for a demo character for Daku Con considering I am planning something for that con. Yeah, I am getting closer for the book being released, but I am hoping to release it at Daku Con as part of a promotion for this convention and also to bring characters out that will be considered character models.

Will this affect my work? Absolutely, yes, it will considering the characters in the first part of the story are minors, but as the book series goes on, the main cast will turn into adults and it should be all right for the rest of it. I am also looking at releasing some of the Dragon's Library swag ideas for the convention to look into doing. I am not going to pressure them right now, we just finished con season out with a bang.

I am excited though to announce a new character to be joining the cast as soon as I am finished fleshing out the story and finishing up book 1. The fact Book 1 is almost done along with the side story. I am also getting ready to start Book 2 which has no title as of yet. I am also bringing in characters that Belinda and Sam will be running into that will be helping them. I am also going to be throwing in cast members who are yet to be introduced yet.

Also I will be plugging my Patreon and other sites to generate money for promotions. I am also going to be bringing out the ideas for the cast latter on. So this is the general announcements!

Editing in a cold house

Due to a horrible issue with the breaker in our house, we can't run the heater, now I am basically freezing my tail of as I edit. I am basically have two days off and I am starting to wish I was able to find some place that was warmer than this, sadly I am broke as well so I can't just walk over to the local Burger King or Taco Bell to warm up.

It is pretty bad when the house is this cold and I can't concentrate as it was, I was hoping we could do more, but sadly this is discomforting to sit here and do this. I am pretty much freezing my tail off as it were and I saw my fiance snoozing upstairs, there is still no place I can go to warm up. I am basically sitting in a kitchen freezing.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Another Snow Day!

It seems a bit much, but snow is going down earlier and I decided to work on editing and then thinking about books. I am still tired...I have thought about watching a movie later.

I am almost done with chapter 3 of part 2. I am still thinking about yesterday and how I got home. I was dealing with the idea that it is freezing last night. I have been thinking about all the cold crap, but I am still dealing with bus issues.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Day after con, assisting a friend

As I have said I am working with another writer friend on an autobiographical story, he has a lot to say and I want to make sure as I help him that we have all the information. I don't usually work with a nonfiction narrative, but I want to make sure that his story is fully explained and he doesn't feel like he's going to back at square one.

I have thought hard about this and have thought that this could be getting us in trouble, but I doubt it would. He is and always has been an honest guy and I have never had a reason to distrust him. So I am putting forth the fact he and I are working on the book to make clear his own conscience and his own views.

I have always thought it was odd he went to war.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Daku Con 2019

Sorry I am well rested and will be posting about Daku Con and all the greatness I saw as I worked for the convention and being part of the staff experience. For many this con has only been around for a few years.

I have been attending as a panelist and this year working with the programming director was simply a joy and I was floating everywhere other than the fact I was running panels on top of it. Was it stressful? NOPE! It was far from being a stressful part of running around and helping a director with one part of the con and another. Usually spending a minute or two in opts, then hoping to find something or somewhere I was needed. I was mostly hopping between Video Rooms and taking Panels no one was sitting through and doing a critique of them.

The staff were simply the nicest as always and even to volunteers who tried to do the best they can. I will have to say my former roommate was there and I will always stand by him being a good worker. I will not ever room with him, but he's by far a great joy to work around.

I was able to get some time to myself and Saturday, while people partied, I slept through some of it.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

I don't like the term Wee-a-boo!

As a writer, I love Anime and manga, but I hate the term Weeb or Wee-a-boo because its a term of bullying and also sour remarks against those who don't do such things. I love certain shows and dislike others, I am more into more story driven Anime and less into the mainstream slap it on the shelf for ratings kind of Anime. I am not a popularity hound, so I don't seek out Anime that is popular to others.

As I write my own stories, I draw inspiration from stories like Natsume Yuujinchou or even Fairy Tale, I am not the kind that goes out and says, "Watch this because its popular." Its a totally a turn off to me when people spout about how I am not a real Anime Fan. Truthfully I bury myself into series that most people have no idea are out at all.

I sat through Naruto and had no connection to any of the characters, it was just so humdrum, then I went for shows that were more my style of story telling. I prefer the high fantasy feel, and even with some modernism thrown in, much like Sword Art Online which has a huge amount of fantasy in it, but with it a sci-fi feel with it being about a video game. People call it a rip off of .hack//Sign without really knowing the entire story.

Personally this is why I stuck to the lightnovels and didn't really bother with going into the Anime too heavily. I am certain most people who read this wonder why I go into this entry talking about Anime and why its such a part of my writing.

My reasoning for saying what I said about Wee-a-Boo is a bully term, it actually assumes that the person like me who likes certain shows wants to be Japanese. That is not true, I actually don't want to be Japanese, I want to go to Japan as a writer, and learn from the culture, not be a total idiot walking into another country. If I become a famous author internationally, I want to be able to adapt to the culture of which I am visiting and be respectful and not like those tourists I see on TV. I also certainly don't want to be like the MORON in office who couldn't know culture if it smacked in the freaking face and was a dog shitting on his shoes. There is a huge difference between myself and someone who fakes it to make it.

The other issue I see and its the one that makes it evident when you watch most people at some Anime cons, they honestly think people in Japan act like they do in Anime. That is hardly even the truth, there are Japanese who actually don't like Anime and like other hobbies, and personally I respect that. I would rather talk to someone from Japan about their favorite book or their favorite movie rather than just about animated show they like.

What I really want to say to those using that term is what does it truly mean? Actually to me and this is a definition I use, a person who is a Wee-A-Boo ONLY watches Anime, has no other hobbies and tends to think and act that they think is Japanese. They have no concept of private space, they don't seem to understand the words of "no" and "I'm not interested in that," they take offense to the idea that someone might not like say Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball Z, Attack on Titan, or even One Piece (though in my experience One Piece fans are actually nicer). They also butcher the Japanese language and mispronounce some words, they don't even try to correct it. (While someone who studies Japanese will mispronounce words, they will attempt to correct it politely)

There I opened up a bit about myself and my hobbies, but I am not going to go into a hateful rant about being called a Wee-a-boo, but I will tell you that its kind of annoying. For many reasons I consider myself just a Nerdy Anime Loving person who prefers certain quieter shows and story telling.  So there you go.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Work has begun for Daku Con

I am going to be working on the Daku Con panels for the next few days and I am perfecting one of them for the extreme cases and I am hoping that the fantasy discussion goes well. I am bringing out some of my work and also hoping we have a few other authors joining in.

I am surprising myself again as I went back to working on some fanfiction and I promised myself I wouldn't go back to that for awhile. The truth of the matter is that I am no longer part of a lot of the communities, but there are some  I still love to be part of.

I am working toward getting the book finalized and ready for a real editor. This adventure will soon be over, with the mini-novella in it to get people ready for what else is in the Planor.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Meet up today with a friend and what's going on

I have a meeting with a fellow writing friend who needs some help with a story he is working on. As he was in the Middle East this is more a memoir than a fictional story. I am hoping if he needs me to take his story down, I will, but we may have to have multiple sessions over the next few weeks to get this story out and also find him a publisher for it. I feel this is his chance to be open and honest of the stuff he has seen and also to put his own demons to rest. 

I on the other hand am working harder and harder to finis up the Dragon's Library, get it edited and finished up for publication. I am done emotionally with the way the community here in Colorado at least in the Anime community who are nothing more than jerks. I have met some gems in there and I hope that community doesn't eat them alive. I personally want my book published, but some how people have taken to taunting me about it. Saying I am never going to be done. 

That's not how it works out I'm afraid the topic and terms that people say that are used is that I am nothing more than a liar. Yeah, I'm done with that, I have worked way too long on being a writer to be used and thrown away just because of something I did. 

Small acts of kindness is not going to rescue my reputation, but I decided that one of the few things I have done is turn my back on people who used me. I am glad to have people like the directors of Daku Con who have been the most awesome gems out there and I will forever be loyal to them. 

If anyone in CAC sees this, none of you understand what you put me through and as I am writing the Dragon's Library, I secretly pray I don't have to ever show up for a book signing. The fact is that its just another thing they'd use against me as I am nothing more than cannon fodder for rumors. 

I have always had a faint suspicion that it was a CAC admin who decided to make stuff up about my fiance and spread unflattering rumors. I am just stating these thoughts to paper, but honestly, the drama that exists in that community still inks out. I honestly get hostility no matter where I go in the Anime Events, but never in my wildest dreams that Daku Con is basically the only place that I am not feeling like I am point under fire for not being part of the community that only gives a care about popularity. 

This is what I love about the directors of Daku Con, they don't give two shits about popularity, they basically just speak up and defend themselves so well. I am honored to know these people and will always stand by there sides no matter what. Directors like these make it a joy to work for the con and hope to make this con the best. 

They're my driving force to get the Dragon's Library finished and out to a publisher, for that I am going to have to acknowledge them for what they have done to inspire me. I am inspired by the dedication and also making this con about the fun, not about drama and popularity. I realize that as I sit here, I am going to be working harder and harder to finis up the work I set out to do in 2013 after I was abandoned by a friend. 

The fact that I was abandoned by a friend simply for something I did not come to understand latter and will never forgive the other for their drug use. I am going to stick with a drug free lifestyle, which means no drugs and not even pot. The fact is I have too much riding on the book to be published to even think about something so silly as drug use. I take medication for birth control, but when it comes to stuff that is illegal, my mind is way too free from it.

So honestly, I hope I never have to deal with druggies in the future, the fact that remains clear is that I am a writer first and for most, not a slouch. I need to remind myself that people use these drugs to get some kind of pleasure that they cannot get in reality, I on the other hand use literature, Anime and sometimes even movies as part it. 

To this I say, I will continue writing. 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The editing and transferring fun!

So I am transferring the parts and doing some free editing on the parts I think need more work. I am still slightly annoyed with being called away from some parts of my work. I am also tired to a point dealing with people who keep snooping.

A co-worker doesn't seem to let things go, her discussions are kind of annoying at times and I keep telling her the possibility of me remembering what happens in a new or much less a medical report are slim. I am trying to move onward and upward like my sister wanted, but again I get people asking so many questions.

It is about my writing that I want and do what I can, I am also trying to help a friend with his own story as I am going to be editing his war story. He's a soldier and has a bit to say, so I am going to be working with him on Tuesday to get some work out there for people to read. He has a lot to say and much of it may change people's minds about how they see the war we seem to fallen into.

I try to stay out of those kind of stories, but I am a good friend to this person and I support his idea that maybe we need to speak up more.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Snow Day for Me

Snow days don't mean anything to me, more like sit down and edit more of the book and then start transferring to the computer. I am nearly finished with section one of the first half of the book. I am not looking forward to a lot of the crap I have to do while hunting down an editor.

I already spoke to my roommate about printing it, and that's a resounding, "Go to Kinkos" and then get it printed. I will finish and submit this to either Amazon for publishing or just decide to send this to a publishing house.

I am still a bit on the quiet end of the spectrum not really wanting to talk about what I'm working on and how I am doing. The problem with writing at the moment when it comes to watching the weather as well...I'm scared of losing a job because I am sitting a huge problem with the weather in my area.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Things I have to say and don't want to.

This is a tough entry, that's all there is to it, I don't know who reads these blogs half the time and sometimes I just want to say something meaningful other than I'm writing a story.

So here are my words and these were ones I wish I could say to my sister. "We only live once, we only have this one chance to make a difference. We can start over with friends, but we can't start over with life. There is no retry option, it isn't a big video game we're playing, sometimes it certainly feels like it. Sometimes it feels like one of those badly written slice of life Anime shows." Yeah that's it, pretty damn pathetic if you ask me.

The fact I am still trying to figure things out and want to say so much yet so little can come out of my mouth. All I can do is write a story and hope one day it gets published and people like it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

One step forward and a dozen backward

As I transfer the book over to a digital format, I am struck with how much my handwriting drives people crazy. I know that I write everything in cursive and how it makes me look like a total old lady, truthfully, I don't mind it.

I honestly thought that by making a new blogger this would help me with the book and I am glad I did, I can't be M.M. Fenney and it would be kind of uncreatative to do so.  I am still also reeling from a family tragedy that I will not go into detail with, it is something that just breaks my heart each time I think about it.

So far, I am going to be going through the new works and also starting to filter through some of the literary issues I had back in the past.

I thought also since I created this new blogger I wouldn't have to think about the issues that I had with my previous one when it came to the fact there were people in my past that are still mad at me. They can stay mad, you know there is better works out there that I need to work on.

Hopefully that works out and I can get my Patreon working so people can get content from my books and also stories a lot faster. I am hoping I can be able to publish soon and make sure this story gets done and I can get more people to read it.

I get tired of telling people about my magical world!

I need to just crash...

To say I am angry with people is an understatement, but I am entirely aware that my story is not finished and I am working double time to get it published and ready. I am also aware of how my country feels about authors who work outside the normal means. I am not going to be famous and nor do I want to be, the idea of being famous is almost unheard of in my idea of things.

Truthfully I don't even think the USA has much use for fantasy authors anymore due to their political beliefs. I am going to mention that I would prefer my fans to be Canadian or European, not Americans. It is not a biased assumption, but I don't fall into line with many political groups, I just want to be a writer of a good story.

I wouldn't mind if someone thought I was a good writer, but honestly, I want to have that merit and not my views of things. I also would rather to say this, if a movie is ever made about my characters, I would prefer my main character, Belinda be played by a transgender black person. I also would rather keep certain characters as I want them, I don't care how popular they are to people, they are as the book states them to be.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

I am locating some of the original artwork from my book

As most people from my old blogger might find that I have several pieces of original artwork and work with it. I am going to be posting new pieces gradually on here. I am going to say I am not a pirate of my own pieces, which I have been accused of in the past.

These are all pieces that appeared in one way or another in the old blogger, so I am going to try and integrate what I can.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

So much to do and so little time...

I am working on the transfer from one medium to another. I had to type up the chapters of the Dragon's Library and then work toward editing. I am hoping to work getting this blogger working and also hope this helps me make it possible to have the books ready to be published.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Welcome to the newest blog

I decided to move to a new blogger, which means we are moving forward and making this the best of the relationship. The newest books I have worked on and decided that this blogger will be replacing the M.M. Fenney author page.

I am sorry to close this, but I have to move to a new site and make this an official, I will be introducing the newest Patreon.

I am on my new Surface and I figure it works really well for me because I am not going to be making some new information regarding it. I will link it later for you and also will be working on the newest piece.

Thanks again.