Sunday, November 3, 2019

The editing and transferring fun!

So I am transferring the parts and doing some free editing on the parts I think need more work. I am still slightly annoyed with being called away from some parts of my work. I am also tired to a point dealing with people who keep snooping.

A co-worker doesn't seem to let things go, her discussions are kind of annoying at times and I keep telling her the possibility of me remembering what happens in a new or much less a medical report are slim. I am trying to move onward and upward like my sister wanted, but again I get people asking so many questions.

It is about my writing that I want and do what I can, I am also trying to help a friend with his own story as I am going to be editing his war story. He's a soldier and has a bit to say, so I am going to be working with him on Tuesday to get some work out there for people to read. He has a lot to say and much of it may change people's minds about how they see the war we seem to fallen into.

I try to stay out of those kind of stories, but I am a good friend to this person and I support his idea that maybe we need to speak up more.

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