Tuesday, October 22, 2019

One step forward and a dozen backward

As I transfer the book over to a digital format, I am struck with how much my handwriting drives people crazy. I know that I write everything in cursive and how it makes me look like a total old lady, truthfully, I don't mind it.

I honestly thought that by making a new blogger this would help me with the book and I am glad I did, I can't be M.M. Fenney and it would be kind of uncreatative to do so.  I am still also reeling from a family tragedy that I will not go into detail with, it is something that just breaks my heart each time I think about it.

So far, I am going to be going through the new works and also starting to filter through some of the literary issues I had back in the past.

I thought also since I created this new blogger I wouldn't have to think about the issues that I had with my previous one when it came to the fact there were people in my past that are still mad at me. They can stay mad, you know there is better works out there that I need to work on.

Hopefully that works out and I can get my Patreon working so people can get content from my books and also stories a lot faster. I am hoping I can be able to publish soon and make sure this story gets done and I can get more people to read it.

I get tired of telling people about my magical world!

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