Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The Book News

The Side Stories of The Planor

The news is here and ready to go, it will be going to be editing and also working with other peers on what the story will be about. I will be working with a new writing group on Discord, I will be discussing privately about what artwork will be involved.

I am not going to bring up the books that I am working on:
1. Book 2 (2021, title to be announced in January, preorders will be open in March)
2. The Side Stories of the Planor (2021, physical copies will be accessed at Daku Con)
3. The Craiglist Ad Series (TBA) 

Adult Material

The Side Stories of the Planor is actually NOT FOR KIDS! Unlike book 1 and book 2, which are for kids and doesn't have sexual situations. 

There will be two different series I am working on within the Dragon's Library series, there is going to be for adults and those for teens. I am not going to change that for anyone really, this is just my thing.


The new artwork will be moved onto Zazzle for posters and Redbubble for everything else. If you want to chnage that I will be ordering stickers for Daku Con and I will also be ordering books for that time. I am also going to start looking at what we can do slowly for 2021 for the new merch.

Daku Con 2021 Panels

Writing panel and world building will be done with myself, my exboyfriend and my fiance on how to make better worlds. This will be tentative and I will make an official announcment on here when it is ready to go..

The other panels will be:
Writing Your World: Let's make it easy to write a world
Ralph Bajkshi: Who the Hell is this Guy
Let Me Clue You In: How to Host a Murder Daku Con Edition

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