Saturday, March 28, 2020

Day 4: The Work is Continuing

I am working on the next book, I'm not excited for some reason, I am not going to talk too much on the matter, but I am waiting on more word, but I am also waiting for people to talk to me. I am working on the rest of the stories, which is the in between story.

I did not need to know what is going to happen when someone finds out I am an author. I know certain people from my past are going to make demands. I personally did not think or thought much of the negative.

The truth is, I am waiting for people to find out I did publish, I am waiting for someone like I don't know some person from my past to show up with some kind of legal papers or something. I haven't really announced much to people.

Yeah I must sound kind of scared that I am posting about this on here. The truth is that I know my past and I know these exfriends pretty damn well. I get one hint of money coming my way and I will get some kind of punishment or demand thrown at me. I am thinking if I make over $300 I am going to have someone like Takara (Danelle White) demanding a cut, she is the kind of person who would demand I plagiarized her or something. She doesn't even write fantasy novels, she only writes novels that pertain to her obsession with Alice 9.

The other person I would worry about is another I won't name, she just doesn't need an audience with as much drugs she does. I won't talk much on the matter other than the fact me publishing means she'll just take her time and wait to show up at my door demanding something out of my fiance or myself.

I don't think I will be that successful as a writer, I know that many people are going to point out the greatness of the fact I published through Amazon. I was not entirely sure how well this will be handled considering that digital is  $.99 and a copy is $6.99. I am not sure people will like my story, I don't think many people will like the artwork or the work in general. I am scared of the idea that someone will talk badly about me.

I did place an order for the physical copy to be sent to my house, an author copy, then I will talk to friends about what I am going to do about selling them. I am not sure how people will respond, I just use Amazon to handle the sales for some of the materal. I don't think I will profit that much from this at all. I wanted to and dreamed of publishing the stories I wrote.

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