Thursday, January 30, 2020

Ever watch a show and go....THAT'S What I needed

I have not thought about this for awhile, but I was thinking about how these things happen to people. Losing a family member is one of those things. I was going to move this to my LJ when I am finished, but my work's wifi doesn't allow it. I'm kind of like well...guess I will talk here.

How a certain show helped me cope, The Magicians talks about a lot of things and when I think about it, yeah it inspired me to write my book, but I never thought it spoke of loss as mine. I lost a sister in 2019, and for the most part it was another reason I stayed the course and continued to write my book.

So how does The Magicians affect me? of the main characters died to save his friends, I remember the episode and how angry I was the first time I saw it. Then I rewatched it back in December and then saw Season 5 Episode 2 and went that's exactly how I felt! Yeah, I would do that, I would steal my sister's book from the Library and try to do this spell. I realized that the main cast were coping in their own way, and some more open about than others.

While I related to Julia and Alice's views, I saw it my own way, Julia was trying to find meaning, while Alice was trying to figure out how she could find her closure. The truth is I realized how both were like me, Julia was able to take on the idea that something was going to happen to Fillory and stepped into Quentin's shoes as the hero, while Alice wanted to drown. I wanted to find my meaning and found it staring right at the one thing my sister loved, she loved reading Clive Barker books.

Now here comes my Julia side, I was and am going to rebuild the book collection starting with Imagica and all the books my sister has, then build from there. Going from one collection to another and hoping that it makes for a good memorial, then when my nephew is ready, I will give him this amazing collection to read and enjoy. I know my sister would want that for him, to understand that there is a dark and light world out there.

There is so much I could say and not say about it, but when I think about all the things my sister loved about her hobbies. Though one such hobby is driving me bonkers, she fell into Fragrant Jewels Bathbomb rings collecting and I'm kind of like oh joy...I have hundreds of these things now! nephew does not need these, but I can set up something for her.

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