Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Reasons for Staying Quiet

 I don't like talking about this drama on here, while I have spoken openly, I was being cyberbullied on Facebook, but it was directly and indirectly done by a person who was just not a good person in general. I have never understand too why someone would feel that they have to force their popculture views onto others, its like talking to someone who thinks Cara Dune is a good character from Mandalorian, and then ignoring the fact that actress is crazy and it affects how the character is seen by some people. 

I went through a huge amount of quiet moments when I could not get on sites and people were talking to me on FB regarding the situation, then I was stuck with a 30 day ban. On top of that I was banned from a group this individual was in and treated me like he was the victim. 

I stopped trying to write my book feeling that this individual may attempt to use his clout on FB to report my work and page to make it sound like I am doing hate speach. I was already called a racist for questioning Christianity and ideology that I didn't agree with. I figured that he was bluffing until someone called me it again simply out of pure spite. I just left groups and decided that I didn't need this kind of drama. I had better work to do. 

There are things in this world that annoy me and people like that are those who I can't stand. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Ideas for Fae comes up

 After seeing the BS that Rowling has done recently and her apparent lack of understanding what Transgender people are. I made a decision to make it more public about the fae that I have in my book. I honestly don't give much crap what a person like her has to say. 

If this offends a reader, I'm sorry, but I don't find it right or even in the correct term of the word for anything that has happened. Rowling has pissed me off and often I don't mention this, but I was a bigger fan of The Worst Witch series by Jill Murphy who was by far a much better writer. Nothing against Harry Potter fans, but if you want to know that there are times I just want nothing to do with this anymore. 

On a side note, I will be putting more emphasis on the Fae in my second book as they are now playing a huge role in the world of the Planor. 

Picture of the day

Monday, August 31, 2020

Doing Photography is giving me ideas

 What am I doing?

I have been mentally thinking about the stories, but I am also working on my photography at the moment that I am relaxing into working on my book. I thought about it for a time and I was thinking about going out again for what seems like hours. 

Photo of the Day

Sunday, August 30, 2020

News for the Book!

 Home Sick

While I don't condone calling in sick, this time I had to, it was not a fun moment for me and I was lying there wanting to cry. I had to think of something to do, so I had a story in my head and was trying to work my way through it. The Dragon's Library side stories are becoming a world of their own at times, I have an adult side and an all-age side. The main story is for all ages, while the other is not. This is kind of a problem for some people, but others said it captures both adults and kids at the same time. 


Well...I had to block a certain person from my life because he became entirely too dependent on the messaging and when I told him was writing he would puff up and get upset. He preferred talking about superheroes and how my book will never measure up to what his ideals wanted. I didn't write the book for him, I wrote it for people who want a world outside of the norm. 

Magic System Called into Question

I was not going to make mention of this originally until the first book hit a year old, but I realized how screwed up my magic system is. I was reading through one of the D&D books at my house and was just going to be floored when I realized how badly I messed up. Well...while my fiance has claimed it isn't that bad but I need to actually write down my magic system so that I don't have to feel like I just went through the ever-present D&D books. 

This happened on its own and while I just felt it was stupid of me to just wing it, then I just figured it's my book I just need to figure it out. I am documenting more on the magic system of other books, but for some reason, the closest I have come to was Heralds of Valdemar by Mercedes Lackey. I am not certainly not going to copy her on that, it would be rude. So I am going to try and follow the books that were printed from D&D and then try from there. 

I just can't believe I did that!  

Photo of the Day

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

News of the Day! Story Progress to Start!

 Story News! 

Well....this is going to be short and sweet, I'm going to start working on the book more as I get closer to winter. The truth is I am also working with a new hobby as well...yeah, photography is giving some new ideas of what I want to see in the world. 

Picture of the Day

Cover Art for Daku Con 2021

The artwork will be selected later and will be exclusive to the convention. I have yet to decide and I am working on the pictures of Thadeous and Quil'recca who are the two that I doing artwork exclusive for the con. I am thinking that I will premiere their side story there. Honestly books 1 and 2 of the main story are going to be sold in a bundle set. The side stories which are way more adult are going to be sold seperate and will be for the audiences at the con. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Work from the Book Delayed

What I do on my Days Off

While I was walking in the park I had to deal with a lot on my mind and one was the fires, I had to think about having breathing problems. The Fires just made this year to be much more difficult. 

The Book Delayed Due to...well....I'm tired

I didn't understand exactly what I was thinking, but here is the truth from the dragon's mouth, I work and then I want to FALL ASLEEP! I am riding a bus and I nearly fall asleep and nearly miss bus stop. I am walking back to my house in the dark and I am trying to take pictures at the same time. 

Here are some shots I took for fun

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Inspiration from Walking Around a Park

 I haven't exactly been talking about this, but some of the ideas of the world that End Brook reminds me of the parks I have been walking through, some are nice to visit, others right now are dry as hell. I have been saddened by that and I have wanted to walk around more parks in my state to get an idea of what I am looking for. 

All these places I am hoping to find more work on the story since I have found some great story telling. I am still waiting for the rest of the cast of the story to see where I can find more beautiful work that is the land of No Magic.